So Jennifer Belle's reading last night was hilarious and charming and packed with people, and a man walking down 6th Avenue stopped and mooned the whole crowd and Jennifer turned around and took a photo and Joi and I had adventures with JT Leroy, and the party after involved many many pitchers of sangria and large silver platters of Spanish meat and fried things and, later in the evening, Anton, Joi and I pondered the mysteries of the universe. Two seconds after this photo was taken my eyes rolled back in my head completely and I passed out and had a divine revelation, but unfortunately I have forgotten it.

I should also like to point out that Anton's astonishing new website is up. This website is so astonishing that I'm pretty sure it was somehow connected to the aforementioned divine revelation but I cannot be sure. Still, you should make sure there is something to faint onto before you visit it, and some smelling salts nearby. You will also note that now that Anton has a TWO BOOK DEAL WITH ACE BOOKS AT PENGUIN AND AN AGENT AT ICM AND A GORGEOUS BETROTHED WHO HAS PEEPERS LIKE MELTING CHOCOLATE, he is dressing more sharply. Has he given up his horn-having, devil-worshipping ways? Only time will tell.....

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