So last night Joi, her brother Jason and I went to see Henry Rollins do spoken word. I had never seen or heard his spoken word before, though I did love me some Black Flag back in the day and was QUITE blown away when I saw the Rollins Band open for X a couple years ago. I think I think I loved them more than X, even, and they were the band we'd gone to see. Anyway, so last night that man came out on stage, opened his mouth, started talking a mile a minute and weaving stories around the room like some kind of magician, and did not stop for THREE WHOLE HOURS. I mean he barely took a breath, never paused, never lost his train of thought, nothing. And he was hilarious and moving and intense and smart and goofy and self-deprecating and a natural born storyteller and well. I was some impressed. I did not know that he "bounces," as he says, from place to place all the time having adventures and seeing what's in the world and hanging out in places like Pakistan and Lebanon and South Africa and Syria and wherever else it is he takes a fancy to see, and his openness and curiousity and intensity were VERY inspiring (not to mention his passionate fanboy love for people like the Ruts and Nick Cave and the Damned and so on, I love people who love things so much!). Last year the Joseph Cornell exhibit was moving to me in the way that made me want to live a bit differently, and better, and this had the same effect. It was lovely. Unfortunately, this photo I took with my camera phone is not.

The end.

The end.
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