So I'm sitting at the Days Inn Graceland, where the pool in the shape of guitar is roodly unfilled tho I'm planning nonetheless to sit next to it in a bikini and with a large half coconut in hand later this afternoon, crooning Elvis tunes. Right now Joi and I are in a room full of Elvis photos and with at least two Elvis movies playing on the tv at all times, and soon we shall head to Graceland. It is all extremely glamorous, obviously.
I must mention tho how much fun we had in Nashville, staying with River and Owen and Titan in their house on a hill with a roaring fireplace and a porch overlooking a whole woods-filled valley. Yesterday River, Joi and I headed into town and hit up some bookstores, where I met people signed stock -- and David Kidd even had a copy of Rain Village, making it one of the BEST BOOKSTORES EVER -- and had lunch and went to the PARTHENON and did many other delightful things and ended up that night at one of those bars on Broadway watching a great rockabilly band. Then yesterday we all headed to the LOVELESS CAFE

and had some famous biscuits

and I bought some very fashionable pink guitar pick earrings which no you can't borrow and then we went to more bookstores and then there was a huge earth-shaking thunderstorm and with the rain pouring down and the sky blazing we rode along the gorgeous gorgeous Natchez Trace, all lined with lush green and some sluttily purple legs-wide-open flowers. I do like driving in a thunderstorm when the sky goes all smoky and lightning-charged and all the greenery gets bright bright bright, and it was pure loveliness, and then River dropped Joi and me off at our UHAUL and we headed off in the storm and made our way to Memphis, where, after driving around this devillish city about 50000 times trying to find our exit, we checked into our glamorous digs and then were whisked away by my friend Stephen for a night on the town. He showed us the weird pyramid here, and Beale Street, which I was just at two months ago BUT STILL, and then we ended up at Molly Fontaine's, this sparkly and decadent bar/restaurant/clubby place in an old mansion with a sweeping staircase, and we had wine and expressed undying love for each other and the universe in general.
And here's River, Joi, and me at the Parthenon. You'd think we'd just stepped down from MT OLYMPUS itself now wouldnt you.
I must mention tho how much fun we had in Nashville, staying with River and Owen and Titan in their house on a hill with a roaring fireplace and a porch overlooking a whole woods-filled valley. Yesterday River, Joi and I headed into town and hit up some bookstores, where I met people signed stock -- and David Kidd even had a copy of Rain Village, making it one of the BEST BOOKSTORES EVER -- and had lunch and went to the PARTHENON and did many other delightful things and ended up that night at one of those bars on Broadway watching a great rockabilly band. Then yesterday we all headed to the LOVELESS CAFE

and had some famous biscuits

and I bought some very fashionable pink guitar pick earrings which no you can't borrow and then we went to more bookstores and then there was a huge earth-shaking thunderstorm and with the rain pouring down and the sky blazing we rode along the gorgeous gorgeous Natchez Trace, all lined with lush green and some sluttily purple legs-wide-open flowers. I do like driving in a thunderstorm when the sky goes all smoky and lightning-charged and all the greenery gets bright bright bright, and it was pure loveliness, and then River dropped Joi and me off at our UHAUL and we headed off in the storm and made our way to Memphis, where, after driving around this devillish city about 50000 times trying to find our exit, we checked into our glamorous digs and then were whisked away by my friend Stephen for a night on the town. He showed us the weird pyramid here, and Beale Street, which I was just at two months ago BUT STILL, and then we ended up at Molly Fontaine's, this sparkly and decadent bar/restaurant/clubby place in an old mansion with a sweeping staircase, and we had wine and expressed undying love for each other and the universe in general.
And here's River, Joi, and me at the Parthenon. You'd think we'd just stepped down from MT OLYMPUS itself now wouldnt you.

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