SO I am in a coffee shop in Cornwall, NY, and have been going between here and NYC the past few weeks... still writing about mermaids and hatching 5000 other plots and schemes and plans, including preparing for Faerieworlds at the end of July, and the launch of the Godmother paperback in the UK next month.. and helping to prepare for the first big art show of the One Stone Collective next Saturday, June 27, about which I shall post later.. not to mention prepare psychologically and emotionally for this approaching weekend, when I shall turn the very MATURE sounding age of THIRTY EIGHT.
I think I will be here upstate for my birthday and I might go to this witchy summer solstice ritual thing that the very cool, wondrous woman, Bernadette, who owns the local witchy store, told me about... It do seem like the kind of birthday that calls for a touch of magic... I met Bernadette yesterday and decided last night to go to her introduction to Wicca class at the shop--mainly because she's so un-hokey and cool, and because I thought all that magic talk might help me in my writing about mermaids and all, and I was right: I left there full of images of sprinkling salt and herbs thrown on fire and all kinds of other lovely things... Who don't love witches and witchy things? I mean really.
Speaking of which: last week I went into Manhattan to meet Robert Gould, the man who runs Faerieworlds and does many many other things besides, and his friend Diana Zimmerman, an ultra glamorous lady magician novelist/business lady, for drinks at the Algonquin and dinner next door (where I had one of them fancy burgers for the first time, the kind made out of kobe beef and that have braised short ribs and foie gras thrown in just for kicks.. it was the most obscene, slutty, legs-wide-open burger I ever done seen!), and it was a wonderful night, full of stories about magical Egyptian perfumes and peacock-filled Bavarian castles and magic circuses in South America and magic castles in Los Angeles and Garboesque fairies with broken wings, oh and healers who use gems and light..... So many things! AND speaking of new peoples and magic I don't think I mentioned how the week or so before that I got to meet the dashing, brilliant Lee Moyer for the first time, after knowing him and his equally dashing and brilliant wife Annaliese online for some time, at a Saturday brunch full of artist types, including the amazing Michael Kaluta, and the extremely charming Zelda Devon... After, Lee led a group of us up to the Nicholas Roerich Museum uptown and we passed, on the way, the Isadora and Ida Straus memorial... in memory of this old married couple who died on the Titanic. Look: "Mrs. Straus was offered a seat in a lifeboat, but she said: “I have lived with him for 50 years - I won’t leave him now”, and they sat on deck-chairs until the end." Now, honestly!
I have also spent much time with babies recently. I saw my best friend Aoife this weekend AND ALSO attended my first bris, for one Ms. Brenna and her two twin baby boys. It was awfully traumatic, I'm not gonna lie. That rabbi explained to us how them babies don't feel a thing, they just cry because they're being restrained.. and then proceeded to elicit the most soul-splitting screams you ever done heard from them chitlins.
Anyway, so in other news here is an audio clip of me reading from Godmother that I prepared for the UK reader's guide.
And in other news, I found out yesterday that B&N will be RE PROMOTING Godmother on its paperback fiction tables from July 14 thru August 10 -- a time at which I was afraid that book would be out of stores altogether, stacked in warehouses, hearbroken and unloved... and now it's like some little prom queen, with suitors all around!
And in other, other news, look at this awesome thing from this artist.:
filled with drawings like this:

Admit you have never seen anything more awesome.
The end.
I think I will be here upstate for my birthday and I might go to this witchy summer solstice ritual thing that the very cool, wondrous woman, Bernadette, who owns the local witchy store, told me about... It do seem like the kind of birthday that calls for a touch of magic... I met Bernadette yesterday and decided last night to go to her introduction to Wicca class at the shop--mainly because she's so un-hokey and cool, and because I thought all that magic talk might help me in my writing about mermaids and all, and I was right: I left there full of images of sprinkling salt and herbs thrown on fire and all kinds of other lovely things... Who don't love witches and witchy things? I mean really.
Speaking of which: last week I went into Manhattan to meet Robert Gould, the man who runs Faerieworlds and does many many other things besides, and his friend Diana Zimmerman, an ultra glamorous lady magician novelist/business lady, for drinks at the Algonquin and dinner next door (where I had one of them fancy burgers for the first time, the kind made out of kobe beef and that have braised short ribs and foie gras thrown in just for kicks.. it was the most obscene, slutty, legs-wide-open burger I ever done seen!), and it was a wonderful night, full of stories about magical Egyptian perfumes and peacock-filled Bavarian castles and magic circuses in South America and magic castles in Los Angeles and Garboesque fairies with broken wings, oh and healers who use gems and light..... So many things! AND speaking of new peoples and magic I don't think I mentioned how the week or so before that I got to meet the dashing, brilliant Lee Moyer for the first time, after knowing him and his equally dashing and brilliant wife Annaliese online for some time, at a Saturday brunch full of artist types, including the amazing Michael Kaluta, and the extremely charming Zelda Devon... After, Lee led a group of us up to the Nicholas Roerich Museum uptown and we passed, on the way, the Isadora and Ida Straus memorial... in memory of this old married couple who died on the Titanic. Look: "Mrs. Straus was offered a seat in a lifeboat, but she said: “I have lived with him for 50 years - I won’t leave him now”, and they sat on deck-chairs until the end." Now, honestly!
I have also spent much time with babies recently. I saw my best friend Aoife this weekend AND ALSO attended my first bris, for one Ms. Brenna and her two twin baby boys. It was awfully traumatic, I'm not gonna lie. That rabbi explained to us how them babies don't feel a thing, they just cry because they're being restrained.. and then proceeded to elicit the most soul-splitting screams you ever done heard from them chitlins.
Anyway, so in other news here is an audio clip of me reading from Godmother that I prepared for the UK reader's guide.
And in other news, I found out yesterday that B&N will be RE PROMOTING Godmother on its paperback fiction tables from July 14 thru August 10 -- a time at which I was afraid that book would be out of stores altogether, stacked in warehouses, hearbroken and unloved... and now it's like some little prom queen, with suitors all around!
And in other, other news, look at this awesome thing from this artist.:

filled with drawings like this:

Admit you have never seen anything more awesome.
The end.
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