In the mean time, here are some suspicious things I have seen.
1. Whilst lying on the living room couch earlier, close to an open window, I looked up and saw this fearful sight. I think I gasped out loud. Have you ever seen such evil?!

2. Now this photo, taken from my table inside the wine bar earlier, may look innocent and nondescript. HOWEVER not five seconds before I took this I witnessed a man walking his dog along this street, then allowing his dog to stop and RELIEVE HIMSELF on the wheels of that gray motorcycle. SO gauche!

3. Look at all these notes left to BEATRICE, who didn't do anything but wave to Dante ONE TIME and then die. Very, very fishy.

4. I could not help but notice, as I was walking over the bridge-that-is-not-the-Ponte-Vecchio-but-to-the-left-of-it, that they have conveniently provided a PLACE TO JUMP FROM. That is the Ponte Vecchio in the distance, whispering "come to me, come to me." I covered my ears with my palms and ran all the way home!

Despite its many many evils, I am quite madly in love with Florence and I think I am going to NEVER LEAVE.
The end.