So Joi and I arrived in Kansas yesterday, after 8 lovely days of travellin, and we're now sitting in Krysztof's living room with Joi's cats splayed sluttily all around. A big siren started going off just now as I was writing this and we are debating whether it is a tornado warning or not. Those damn wily tornadoes. Sadly, I think it was just a fire truck, so no being whisked off to Oz for us. Yet. I AM here for a week and a half so there's still plenty o time.
Our last day in Memphis was great: we went to Graceland and among other things had this delightful and elegant photo taken:

It was my second visit to Graceland, and I was again overcome by the desire to hang out with Elvis and his friends playing racquetball and riding golf carts around and eating weird sandwiches involving bananas and bacon. Speaking of which, I shall soon, maybe even as early as tomorrow, partake of a Lawrence, Kansas offering known as CHOCOLATE COVERED BACON. Please do not be too jealous. The place also offers deep fried corn on the cob, which seems an apt dish to follow the fried dill pickles Joi and I both became enamored of in Memphis.
After leaving Graceland and partaking of said fried pickles on Beale Street, then, we wandered about and had drinks at the Peabody Hotel and had drinks on Beale Street whilst watching an ELVIS IMPERSONATOR and shopped for weird memorabilia and came across two postcards with Krysztof's pin up art on them, which I of course bought, and then we met my friend Stephen for sushi at a restaurant where our seat was a BED and after he took us to this crazy dance club awash in DRY ICE and BALLOONS and MIRRORS and he and I even got up and danced to YOU GOT THE LOOK by Prince and Sheena Easton and it was awesome and then we drove around and went to other places and it was a lovely, weird night overall which is how all nights should be.
Here are some photos:

Then Saturday we went to three Memphis bookstores where I signed stock and met peoples, and then we were off to COLUMBIA, MISSOURI. I loved the drive. I loved all the driving, and I did all of it I might add, but I did like leaving Memphis and heading through Arkansas and into Missouri. I lived in Illinois from 6 months old to 8 years, and we drove to Missouri every summer to visit my grandparents, so I do got this romantic sort of longing for it and felt happy drifting through that flat terrain.
Oh, and in Blytheville, Arkansas, we stopped at THAT BOOKSTORE IN BLYTHEVILLE on River's recommendation, and I introduced myself to the lovely lady Norma who was working there and told her I'd written a book she might have in the store and would be happy to sign it and she looked at me suspiciously and found the one copy they had on the shelf and returned to the counter, setting it down, and then a minute later she realized she'd read an advanced copy of Godmother and suddenly her whole demeanor changed and she was friendly and animated and told me how much she'd loved the book and she couldn't believe I was there.. and it was very funny and sweet.
We stopped to gaze upon the Mississippi too somewhere in south Missouri, and stopped in a couple of weird little towns to get gas, places where the locals looked at us like we were some exotic kind of shimmery bugs and occasionally told us how they were wanting to move to New York because "aint nothing new happens around here" and it was all awesome, I love all those towns and wish we could have stopped in more of them and talked to everyone.
We got into Columbia late Saturday and checked into this foul Motel 6 and proceeded to drink Ravenswood wine out of plastic cups whilst watching BABY MAMA.
Sunday we met Tink's awesome aunt Jacquie and her beau for brunch, and then went out to Jacquie's adorable house, which is on a horse farm, and it was all gorgeousness and swaying grass and gloomy sky and we got to hang out with horses and meet Jacquie's crazy dogs and see her glass work -- she has a whole studio in her basement, complete with kiln, and I fell in love with her old timey glass kaleidoscopes -- and she gave us a whirlwind tour of Columbia, including its bookstores, and then we was gone, off to Kansas with the clouds gathering overhead. And we listened to Goldfrapp and the Killers and sang like dorks I MEAN ANGELS and then lo and behold we'd done arrived in Lawrence, Kansas, at the home of one Krysztof Nemeth. And then we hung out with his adorable chillen, who were visiting, and then Chris and Lydia came over and some other friends and we all drank wine and ate pizza and listened to Pink Martini.

The end.